Addressing the increasing trend of workers availing Philippine Consulate General (PCG) and Migrant Workers Office (MWO) – Dubai services this season, the PCG and MWO-Dubai mounted another Special Consular Mission for Overseas Filipino Workers based in Dubai and Northern Emirates on 20 May 2023. The PCG offered passport renewal, notarial, civil registration, report of marriage, and Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage services, while MWO-Dubai provided contract verification, OWWA, SSS, and Pag-IBIG services to workers who pre-registered and attended said activity.
Workers availing MWO services are currently at high due to planned annual vacation of OFWs intended for spending time with family in the Philippines this summer season. To facilitate delivery of services for the benefit of OFWs, special consular missions are organized to ease the number of Filipinos lining up at the PCG and MWO-Dubai on weekdays and accommodate those who could not visit the office on regular days. In total, the Special Consular Mission delivered six hundred (600) individual MWO-Dubai services to our Kababayans.
With the temperate averaging at 38 to 40 degrees during these months, it is best for workers to take advantage of special consular services and other alternative ways to avail MWO services. For instance, workers may have their documents verified through the Online Submission System of MWO-Dubai. With the tagline, “Save Time. Go Online.”, workers can save time and effort by submitting their employment documents to Online Submission Forms on Mondays and simply collect their documents on prescribed dates. Five hundred (500) new slots are opened every Monday.
For information and updates on other MWO services, workers may visit the MWO-Dubai website.